The Sky's the limit (English Edition)

The Sky's the limit (English Edition)

  • 3 Sterne, basierend auf 1 stimmen
8,33 €
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The Sky's the limit (English Edition)

The Sky's the limit (English Edition)

8,33 €

Rezension (6)

15 Juli 2015


This memoir is about a young woman's perseverance in dealing with the challenging issues associated with having Cerebral Palsy and Scoliosis.

14 Dezember 2014

This book was immensely inspiring and I enjoyed it from the first page to the last

This book was immensely inspiring and I enjoyed it from the first page to the last!

3 Oktober 2013

Wonderful, Ispiring!

The Sky's the Limit tells the story of a young lady's determination to make herself as independent as possible.

9 August 2013

Hard to follow

Very hard to follow but would be a good read for parents of CP kids as Susie shows how to successfully function in this world in spite of CP..

27 Juni 2013

A Lovely Memoir about Facing Challenges and Defying Limits

\"The Sky's the Limit\" is an encouraging memoir.

21 September 2012

The Sky's The limit

I started this book and choose not to finish it.

Rezension The Sky's the limit (English Edition)

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