I WAS BORN FOR THIS: TikTok made me buy it! From the YA Prize winning author and creator of Netflix series HEARTSTOPPER
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I WAS BORN FOR THIS: TikTok made me buy it! From the YA Prize winning author and creator of Netflix series HEARTSTOPPER

I WAS BORN FOR THIS: TikTok made me buy it! From the YA Prize winning author and creator of Netflix series HEARTSTOPPER

8,39 €


I WAS BORN FOR THIS: TikTok made me buy it! From the YA Prize winning author and creator of Netflix series HEARTSTOPPER
I WAS BORN FOR THIS: TikTok made me buy it! From the YA Prize winning author and creator of Netflix series HEARTSTOPPER
I WAS BORN FOR THIS: TikTok made me buy it! From the YA Prize winning author and creator of Netflix series HEARTSTOPPER
I WAS BORN FOR THIS: TikTok made me buy it! From the YA Prize winning author and creator of Netflix series HEARTSTOPPER
I WAS BORN FOR THIS: TikTok made me buy it! From the YA Prize winning author and creator of Netflix series HEARTSTOPPER

Rezension (2)

7 Juni 2023

Oseman at her finest - Mein literarischer Geheimtipp!

Auf Alice Oseman bin ich wirklich durch Zufall aufmerksam geworden und ich bin wirklich froh darüber. Hätte ich auf der Buchmesse vor 2 Jahren nicht die Leseprobe zu Solitaire mitgenommen, hätte ich vermutlich bis heute nichts von dieser großartigen Autorin gehört, geschweige denn gelesen. Und ich glaube, dass ich ohne sie niemals zu YA gegriffen hätte. In Deutschland ist Oseman weitestgehend unbekannt und ich kann mir nicht erklären, wieso das so ist. Sie schreibt grandiose YA-Bü

11 Juni 2023


I would recommend this book to every teenager, who feels a bit lost or even left out. Every time I read Alice Osemans books I feel like that she exaclty gets how it is to have no idea for the future and with more internet friends than real friends. I was born for this deals with these things and sexuality and identity and being a fan. It also shows the "dark" side of fame and what could happen. I hope everybode who reads this book will feel a bit better afterwards.

Rezension I WAS BORN FOR THIS: TikTok made me buy it! From the YA Prize winning author and creator of Netflix series HEARTSTOPPER

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